The Board of Directors is made up of five elected homeowners from the district.
The directors are voted to staggered, four (4) year terms, with elections every two years.

Our current Board of Directors for North
Austin MUD No. 1:
Don Conklin
term expires November 2026
Kim Roche-Green
Vice President
term expires November 2028
Diana Christiano
term expires November 2026
Rachel Beaulieu
term expires November 2028
Tara Iagulli
Assistant Treasurer/Secretary
term expires November 2028
Monthly Meetings
The Board has monthly meetings usually held on the third Wednesday of every month, and they hold a meeting on the Monday before the regular meeting to go over bills and invoices in detail to prepare for the regular meeting.
In addition, the Board may hold special meetings if circumstances warrant.
Agendas are posted at the County courthouse a minimum of 72 hours before the meeting’s schedule time.

Read Our Most Recent Monday Agenda

Read Our Most Recent Wednesday Agenda
Director Elections
The District’s next director election will be held in November 2026.
The District is governed by a Board of five members that serve staggered four-year terms. Elections take place at the polling places for each precinct within the District established by Travis County and Williamson County.
Notice of Director Election (posted October 9, 2024) | Download
Notice of Appointment of Agent (posted September 11, 2024) | Download
Notice of Drawing for Place on Ballot (posted August 22, 2024) | Download
Notice of Deadline to File Applications for Place on the Ballot (posted June 10, 2024) | Download
Notice of Director Election Information | Read More
- In accordance with Texas Water Code § 49.103, director elections are held on the November uniform election date, or the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, in even-numbered years.
- A person that desires to be a candidate in the District’s next director election must be qualified to serve as a director and must timely submit an application for a place on the ballot to the District.
- To be qualified to serve as a director, a person must be at least 18 years old, a resident citizen of the State of Texas, and either own land subject to taxation in the District or be a qualified voter within the District.
- The first day and time that a candidate may file an application for a place on the ballot is 8:00 a.m. on the day that is 108 days before the election and the last day that a candidate may file an application for a place on the ballot is 5:00 p.m. on the day that is 78 days before the date of the election.
- The deadline for a declared write-in candidate to file an application is 74 days before the date of the election.
- For the November 2024 director election, the first day and time that a candidate may file an application will be 8:00 a.m. on Monday, July 22, 2024, the deadline for filing the application for a place on the ballot will be 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 19, 2024, and the deadline for a declared write-in candidate to file an application will be 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 23, 2024.
Obtain an Application for Direction Elections
1. Applications may be obtained from the District:
North Austin Municipal Utility District No. 1
c/o Armbrust & Brown, PLLC
Attn: Beth D’Arcy
100 Congress Ave., Suite 1300
Austin, Texas 78701
Phone: (512) 435-2300
2. An application may be downloaded and printed from the Texas Secretary of State’s website:
Texas Secretary of State’s website

Where to Send Your Completed Application
3. Completed applications may be filed in person or by mail at the following address:
North Austin Municipal Utility District No. 1
c/o Armbrust & Brown, PLLC
Attn: Beth D-Arcy
100 Congress Ave., Suite 1300
Austin, Texas 78701
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